My First Blog Experience

For anyone wondering whether or not to start that blog you’ve been thinking about, just know its not as easy and glamorous as it seems. For me it was a lot of standing on chairs, something burning or getting cold because I was taking to long to get a good angle. A lot of times […]

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Scratch-made Gumbo

What is up party people?! A few post back I talked about my trip to New Orleans and all the food we indulged in. I also mentioned that my dad and his side of the family were born and raised in southern Louisiana so they know a little something about Cajun food. Well, for the […]

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Sweet Potato Casserole

Thanksgiving thanks·giv·ing /THaNGksˈɡiviNG/   •noun American holiday spent with family and friends, wearing fat pants, and eating your bodyweight in green bean casserole. Hello friends! I come to you again, hopefully bearing the gift of an awesome holiday treat. If you don’t get insanely spirited about the holidays, I don’t think this friendship can continue; I’m […]

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My Weekend in New Orleans

Goooood Morning Baaaltimore, or should I say New Orleans; if you get that reference, I love you. October has been a month of music festivals for me and I will not and cannot complain. This post is all about my weekend in New Orleans and my time at Voodoo Music + Arts Festival! My friends […]

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A Little Inspiration

As a great man once said, “I have a dream…but i need a little inspiration first.” Ok so maybe MLK jr. didn’t say that last part but we can’t all be revolutionary civil rights activist. I definitely had a dream — maybe not the world-changing kind — but I had to dip my toe in […]

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My ACL Weekend

As many people around these parts know, it’s that time of the year again; where we channel our inner festival muse and head to ACL. For those of you that don’t know, ACL stands for Austin City Limits and is an annual music festival held at Zilker Park in Austin, Texas. ACL is one of […]

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Momma Tammy’s Homemade Chili

Alright, so I don’t want to brag or anything but my mom’s chili is like, WAY better than your mom’s chili. Ok maybe I’m a bit biased here but seriously, this chili recipe is to die for. Growing up, my mom made this any time it rained, snowed, or pretty much whenever it was anything […]

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